Let’s face it, as our New Year’s resolution, many of us older people have committed to not making any New Year’s resolutions. Deep down, we still all have desires to be different in the coming new year, even if we don’t publicly proclaim it. Here are three New Year’s resolutions which can help you live a simpler life. (And you do not need to tell anyone about them!)
RIGHTSIZE – “Rightsizing” is becoming the new buzz word for downsizing simply because it just sounds better. Ultimately, a simpler life can be had by getting rid of things which cost us time and resources. Thinking about what your life can live with and without is a way of rightsizing your life, by only having items in your life that are “right” for the new year.
For example, there are people who have self-storage units with things in them that they do not want in the house. If you don’t need it in the house, do you really need to have it somewhere else (and pay monthly for it?) Resolving to unload items in or outside of your home is a great resolution to help live a simpler life.
EAT HEALTHY – Yes, most people make this a yearly resolution but, do we really do this? Often, no. The truth is, we try for a few weeks but new habits take a least 90-120 days to foster the new learned behavior. Because it is easier to fall back into our routine, most of us never take the time necessary to create a healthier lifestyle. � Just thinking about the consequences of not eating healthy could just be what it takes to develop a healthier diet.
If we just think about what our diets are and how they impact our vulnerabilities to the many viruses which attack an immune compromised body, maybe we will put more effort into making sure our diet helps support a stronger immune system. No, burgers, fries and processed “fast” foods do not contribute to a healthier immune system. Fresh vegetables and fruit, lean meats, grains and protein-rich legumes are a good start to a healthier, simpler life in the new year.
WORK WHERE YOU LIVE – For many people who commute long distances to work, the stress of traffic, cost for fuel/repairs and the time away from family, can make for a busy, stressful lifestyle. Reassessing whether the job you commute to is worth the extra expense, can make a simpler life. Some jobs now can be done from home (if not full-time, at least some of the time) reducing the expense and stress of full-time commuting. Also, rightsizing your home and moving closer to where you work, may make more sense than it did a few years ago
As we watch many traditional values and habits change around us, making a conscious decision to make a simpler life will benefit our health, our mind and our relationships with others. Now, a New Years resolution to live a simpler life, is more is more important than ever before.
William C. Huff Companies is committed to simplifying the complicated maze of moving and storing your priceless possessions. With over 40 full-time, tenured, and highly trained staff, you can be assured that your move will be handled smoothly and professionally, from the first phone call until the last box is unpacked.