Downsizing is something more than 100 million Americans will do over the next 15 years. After decades of continuous “upsizing”, Americans are at a point where they want to simplify their lifestyles. The process of downsizing often happens in stages. First time downsizers will need to know these 7 basic tips before they begin downsizing.
DO IT EARLY – We run into many homeowners who wait until they have a purchase sales agreement on their larger home before they begin downsizing. There simply is never enough time with conventional 30-45 day closing time-ranges, to effectively downsize. There are just too many decisions to be made in a short window of time.
BE REALISTIC- Many first-time downsizers believe a lot of their household possessions have value to someone else, so they try to do Craig’s List, local newspaper ads or even yard sales, to reduce their collection of stuff. The truth is, however, that fewer and fewer people want these treasured possessions and, it becomes a waste of time and energy.
DONATE- With so many first-time downsizers now wanting to unload unwanted items, donation centers become the most convenient, cost-effective way to get rid of unneeded items. Many donations’ centers will pick up and most will give some type of charity tax-deduction receipt, helping the homeowner with their year-end taxes.
GOOGLE- Hate to use the word but, Googling for possible collectors who might want your bottle cap collection, is worth a try. There are specific websites for almost any category of collectible items, and you may just find the right fir for someone who is till collecting things people want to get rid of.
WHEN IN DOUBT…- My favorite statement for first time downsizers is, “When in doubt…throw it out!” At the end of the day there will always be things which you do not want to move, and no one wants them. When this is true, stop thinking about it and just throw it out. You will feel better and will save some time and unnecessary stress.
CALL A REPUTABLE MOVING COMPANY- With literally millions of first-time downsizers, reputable moving companies are being flooded with calls for moving. These companies are in high demand and are hard to get onto your eventual moving schedule. Settling for a third rate, “fly-by-night” moving company will be a disaster. Experienced companies know what needs to be done to carefully move families’ possessions and know how to make the process much less stressful.
STORAGE WARS – Many of us have seen the hit TV series, “Storage Wars” but, have we ever wondered why so many of these storage lockers are abandoned? The fact is that often, people will store things that they did not want to get rid of and some family tragedy or other life event comes up, keeping the person from thinking about they put into storage. As time goes by the stuff in storage takes a back-seat to other priorities and the storage items are just left. Eventually the storage company gets possession, and they hold a public auction to get rid of items which are no longer being paid for.
For more than a hundred years the William C Huff White Glove Moving and Storage Company has been moving and storing some of the Country’s most wealthy homeowners. Our vast experience of upsizing and downsizing families across the country has earned a reputation second to none. We encourage all first-time downsizers to take the time necessary to make their downsize as stress-free as possible.
William C. Huff Companies is committed to simplifying the complicated maze of moving and storing your priceless possessions. With over 40 full-time, tenured, and highly trained staff, you can be assured that your move will be handled smoothly and professionally, from the first phone call until the last box is unpacked.